Sharing Camden Practice

Team Heroes at Holy Trinity and St Silas Primary

Key Points

“This whole school buddy system has transformed relationships across the school. It has enabled every child to feel a valued and cared for member of the school community and it ensures that every child has a voice beyond their class room.” Lorraine Dolan (Headteacher)


What were your reasons for doing this development work?

Our headteacher first came across humanutopia at the “Whole Education” conference in 2015. She met humanutopia’s ambassadors and was inspired by the impact of the programme on their confidence and happiness. She decided that this was a whole school approach that could help the children at Holy Trinity and S. Silas bring about positive change in their own lives and would benefit the wellbeing of the school community as a whole.

Who were the identified target learners?

The Heroes Journey approach is not just for primary schools. It has been used effectively in secondary schools and in workplaces with adults. At Holy Trinity and S. Silas our Year 5 and 6 children are trained as Team Heroes, and buddy younger children. This benefits the whole school.

What did you do? (What success criteria did you use?)

Team Heroes attend initial training from humanutopia where they learn essential life skills such as communication, team work, leadership and resilience. The workshops are designed to help children realise their full potential and break negative cycles. They provide the children with skills to resist peer pressure and deal problems. After the training each Hero then works closely with a group of younger children as a positive role model.

The Team Heroes are supported by the PSHE co-ordinator who co-ordinates the following activities:

Weekly meetings at lunchtimes, usually either:

  • A workshop focussed on a wellbeing theme e.g. being yourself
  • A workshop focussed on a school project e.g. designing a new playground
  • Preparing for a mentoring session with younger children

Delivery of these weekly meetings is generally in groups of 30. The children mostly work together in smaller groups, with the PSHE co-ordinator rotating to support.

In addition to these weekly meetings, there are monthly mentoring sessions where Heroes meet with their younger ‘buddies’ and deliver key messages around wellbeing, as well as playing games to improve confidence and self-esteem. When Heroes meet with their buddies, they work in groups of 7-8.

humanutopia also visit the school termly to work with the children in different sized groups.

What specific teaching resources did you use?

Humanutopia provide a series of resources that can be used in assemblies, workshops and PSHE sessions to build on the key messages, but we have also developed our own resources

Outcomes and Impact

What has been the impact on pupil learning and teaching?

  • Children have a real sense of purpose about being at school – because of their responsibility for their younger buddies and for the meaningful input they have into decision making.
  • Behaviour has improved around the school as children have the tools to be able to reflect on their own and each other’s behaviour.
  • Children understand how negative behaviours can impact on their learning and that they can do something to influence this. Hence they have high aspirations for their future and a belief that they can achieve them.
  • Children relate better to each other and relationships have improved
  • Sense of community has been strengthened as different year groups mix with one another regularly
  • Less confident children have grown in confidence

Evidence of impact on pupil learning and teaching/leadership

Teacher observations, feedback in pupil questionnaires, feedback in pupil interviews, parent feedback