In a week when we were subject to a deep dive by colleagues at the DfE around all matters to do with school attendance, as well as a useful inhouse scrutiny on elective home education and children missing in education, the safeguarding agenda was certainly sharply in focus. I do recognise the incredible care, work and oversight that school staff have held, keeping each pupil visible, particularly the more vulnerable young people in our schools; a challenge going forward for everyone is ensuring that school attendance is promoted, targeting those pupils and families where their attendance falls below expected level. Camden schools’ attendance figures, although increasing, still remain below national comparisons and I recognise that there are a number of quite contextual reasons for this. However, Heads and leaders need to have a robust plan in place to ensure data is cleansed and accurately represented on the DfE portal, and that there is a plan to bring all pupils back into school.

Keeping with the safeguarding theme, it is timely to inform schools that this term, in partnership with Camden Safeguarding Children Partnership, Camden Learning will be conducting the mandatory biennial Safeguarding audit (known as Section 11) of all Camden Schools, in accordance with Children’s Act 2004. Included in the audit are Maintained, Academies, Free and Independent Schools. To demonstrate compliance and a culture of safeguarding, schools will need to complete the audit, providing evidence and examples against a number of questions/statements, within five key sections. Expectations around safeguarding are very comprehensive, however over the last 12 months we have seen additional elements contribute to the agenda including working together to keep children safe during a pandemic, strengthening youth safety and more recently the Everyone’s Invited movement.

The audit template, using Microsoft Word, is self-explanatory and covers all aspects expected of schools to evidence how they discharge their safeguarding duties, in line with current legislation (KCSiE 2020/update 21). Schools will receive the template and covering letter on Monday 10th May, with a request to complete and return by Monday 31st May. More details regarding the process will be provided in the covering letter. Please address any questions regarding the audit to either Martin Cresswell or Rhian Swain.

An important reminder that there are a further two sessions (calendar invites have already been sent) for Head teachers, senior leaders and mentors, updating and sharing with you information, timelines and decisions that need to be made on the Early Career Framework:

Tuesday 11th May at 12pm

Thursday 13th May at 4pm

Jon Abbey

Managing Director of Camden Learning


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