Continuous Professional Development

The Camden Learning offer provides a flexible approach with a wide range of courses and meetings designed to stimulate thinking and professional growth for school staff of all phases and career stages. Themes have been based on your feedback alongside school statutory requirements and the aims of Building Back Stronger our education strategy. Themes include key training for school governors, school leaders and wider staff groups to utilise evidence informed practice and meet the demands of the Education Inspection Framework, providing a framework for collaborative partnerships and succession planning.

Camden Learning continues to recognise the essential role that high quality ongoing professional development plays in ensuring an excellent educational experience for young people and contributing to teacher recruitment and retention. Our programme provides opportunities for professionals to learn from respected subject specialists, nationally recognised educational speakers, and school based colleagues. As a schools-led place based partnership, Camden Learning remains in a unique place to support collaborative learning, seek innovation, and develop shared expertise.

For more information, please download our CPD Brochure 2024-25 or click here to book CPD.

Prices (excl. VAT)

CPD Full Day Training

Basic SLA or out of borough:    £265

Standard SLA:                             £220

Premium SLA:                             £200

CPD Half Day Training

Basic SLA or out of borough:    £130

Standard SLA:                             £110

Premium SLA:                             £100

Book your place

Camden Learning CPD Brochure 2024-25

Subject Networks

With Ofsted’s keen focus on disciplinary knowledge, we want to support primary colleagues to develop their subject knowledge within a framework of good primary practice; twilight meetings are open to any staff keen to increase their subject knowledge and networking.

The Secondary Subject Networks focus on curriculum planning, sequencing and development. To ensure subject specificity and rigour, there are 17 subject networks, with meetings led by experienced subject specialists.

Subject Leads should prioritise attendance to these meetings as an opportunity to externally validate their curriculum plans. Whether you are a less experienced subject leader seeking guidance and reassurance or an experienced colleague fine-tuning your approach, the networks serve as exciting forums for professional learning.

Learning Hubs

Our model of Learning Hubs is now in its 6th year. Hubs complement the Camden Learning offer of CPD in a specific specialist area by developing a vibrant, growing and popular group of school-based professionals who work together to create a ‘Learning Community of Practice’ in the specialist area to improve pedagogy and effect change. Hubs are led by schools and are a very important strategy for harnessing the exceptional experience, skills and talent across schools. They are developing the culture of collaborative working, creating the levers to ensure a secure and sustainable world-class school improvement system.

Professional Development Framework

The Camden Education Strategy, Building Back Stronger, sets out a vision for “knowledgeable and skilled leaders and teachers who love working and learning in Camden”.

We are committed to a Camden system which will inspire a strong sense of pride and belonging in all our children and young people and the staff who work with them. We want our schools to be outstanding centres of high-quality teaching and learning where all children achieve well. This means deep and long-term support to build the quality of leadership and teaching, investing in teachers as the system’s most precious resource.

For more information, please download our Professional Development Framework.

Camden Learning Professional Development Framework