Governor Services

Our expert guidance and support helps our school governors to understand the vital role they play in supporting schools, navigating the legal duties of the role whilst ensuring continuity and empowering governors to act as effective critical friends.

To support governing bodies to fulfil their legal duties and offer effective governance for our schools, we offer a range of training opportunities, resources and forums, alongside our specialised clerking services, so that those sitting on governing boards have the skills, knowledge and attitudes to govern well.

If you are interested in becoming a governor in Camden, you can learn more about the role and apply here.


As part of its package to support governing bodies, the team also offers an exceptional range of services to Camden Learning Member schools and beyond through the Governor Training and Consultancy Package and the Governor Clerking SLA.

These include:

Training Programme
Clerking Service
Bespoke training
Model Documentation


For more information and support, please contact: