Whilst there are currently many other distractions in Government, there is a continuing interest in the DfE about the benefits of school partnerships. Last week they published a research report exploring the potential reductions in workload offered by collaborative arrangements. The Camden Learning Annual General Meeting this week emphasised our shared principles in being part of a school led, locally aligned partnership, with an inspiring presentation from Professor Lee Elliott Major who explored the wider societal and systemic issues that contribute toward educational disadvantage. This neatly emphasised that schools are not islands and work within a wider system.

Schools can all-consuming places and sharing experiences gives the valuable opportunity to step back and remind ourselves of this wider perspective. This can be a hard thinking space to find. We are excited to be launching two new events with free places for all Camden Schools that offer time to consider more strategic thinking. The first is an online session with Dr Paul Miller exploring social justice leadership and supporting an understanding of how the systems, policies and processes in a school community contribute to a sense of belonging, which in turn reduces disadvantage. You will recall that Building Back Stronger identified the importance of Camden leaders as leaders of social justice. We hope Paul’s sessions attract staff from schools, governors, and Camden Learning staff. The second, a series of three workshops for school leaders and Governors exploring system leadership and school partnerships that will unpick the benefits, pitfalls, and some of the practicalities of forming effective school partnerships. More details and the link to sign up for sessions are below, I hope you will take advantage of these.

The Camden Learning offer 2023-25 was sent to all Camden schools last week. Camden Council have committed to commissioning Camden Learning to provide a range of statutory school services. We are now looking to Camden Schools to again join us on the next stage of our journey. The subscription will continue to include access to professional development including hubs and initiatives, Camden Conversations, alongside access to a range of advice and support including coaching, the Governor hub, and visits from Camden Professional Partners. We continue to commit to local ECF and NPQ offers. Our retention rate for ECTs is above national averages and the first cohort of Camden NPQs recently received a 100% pass and completion rate. This shows the strength of a locally aligned offer and a big well done to all.

We have a Primary Heads update briefing, 1:30pm , 7th February. This already has a number of items on the agenda including updates from the Camden public health and finance teams.

Thank you for all you continue to do and achieve.

Stephen Hall

Chief Executive Officer, Camden Learning


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