The shocking news of Ruth Perry, the Reading Headteacher who took her life last week was a reminder of the pressures that school leaders face but also the importance of seeking support when things get tough. There are rightly questions being asked about the current high stakes school accountability framework. Whilst a reaction to try to prevent planned inspections happening is in some ways understandable, it is ill advised as an explicit legal framework gives Ofsted the right to enter and inspect schools. However, the voice for a change in the inspection system is growing, and at our recent Headteachers’ conference Christine developed the idea of a Camden accountability framework set out in Building Back Stronger. Earlier this month the shadow education secretary set out plans for more radical change to the current system, and in January, ASCL set out a discussion paper on the future of inspection . With a new HMCI and subsequent changes to the inspection framework likely in the coming year, it will be important that the voices of school leaders are heard. It would be good too if Camden’s work in trialling changes to the current system could influence the debate.

Of course, the real news here is the unbearable pressure that was experienced by an experienced school leader. Being a Headteacher is a vocation and an all-encompassing profession. Heads live and breathe their schools but as a custodian not owner. It is so important to be able to maintain a balance and seek advice and support when things get tough, as well as building in points of reflection to allow yourself to step back and take a wider and longer perspective on the challenges faced. We are a partnership of schools, and as such have the capacity to support and look out for each other. Although it can feel lonely sometimes, no Camden Head should ever feel alone when facing the big challenges. There is a shared ownership of these.

It was great to see you this week at our Headteacher meetings, and I hope you also benefitted from being able to spend time with colleagues. At both meetings we shared a partnership and collaboration statement that re-affirms the Council commitment to Camden Learning being ‘the glue that holds Camden schools together’. We are seeking schools to also commit to our partnership model through signing up to our School Improvement SLA for the coming period, that now also includes a coaching offer. You can do this here.

We have our monthly Primary Heads online catch up next Tuesday at 1:30, a week earlier than usual due to the imminent Easter break. I hope you already have plans for Easter if not why not spend some time this weekend making some?

Thank you for all you do for Camden young people.

Stephen Hall

Chief Executive Officer, Camden Learning


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