We often read in school mission statements the belief that every pupil, regardless of background or barriers to learning can attain well. Making this happen entails both leaders and teachers being critically evaluative and is sometimes easier said than done. Many schools are undertaking their summative assessments of the academic year and how this information is used makes all the difference. Accurate self-evaluation and improvement activity comes from finding causes and reasons but not excuses. The analysis of the relative progress of disadvantaged pupils and those with SEND can lead to conversations about the reasons why pupils don’t achieve as opposed to how to enable achievement. This is an unhelpful starting point that can lead to compounded low expectations. Schools have to be relentless in their ambition and be bold enough to change tack when things could be better. To make sure that data is used as a tool to accelerate progress and not accept a status quo, there needs to be a shared collective responsibility for the outcomes of pupils who are achieving less well and a culture of being habitually reflective and responsive. With around 40% of Camden pupils classed as disadvantaged, increasingly complex SEND needs and high levels of mobility, we have a harder job than many. We need to offer provision that is consistently better than the average to make up the difference. This is an increasingly tiring and relentless occupation, but it can be energising too to see the important differences that you are making to the life chances of your pupils.

With two weeks to go before the end of a long term, it is worth reminding ourselves that Camden schools have achieved so much through being curious and self-challenging. We have so many examples of schools who are bucking national trends and closing achievement gaps through exceptional provision. Once you have recharged over the break, I hope that you will seek to take advantage of the many opportunities to learn from peers in the Spring term including through our networks, hubs, breakfast briefings and conferences. Seeing success in others is one way of renewing faith of what is possible even when it seems the odds seem stacked against you.

Thank you as always for putting young people at the centre. Enjoy the weekend!

Stephen Hall

Chief Executive Officer, Camden Learning


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