The end of term is very much in sight, and no doubt it can’t come soon enough. This week we are sadly saying goodbye to Gwen Lee at Christopher Hatton after more than 20 years of outstanding leadership. Gwen has made a truly remarkable contribution to our community, and we hope that Camden can continue to draw on her inspiration and expertise. We also thank Sheena Mason, our Primary Music co-ordinator who is retiring after over 30 years of service. An amazing contribution. Finally, thank you also to Tracey Caldwell, our Chief Operating Officer who over the last two years put in place so many systems and processes to support the sustainability of Camden Learning. We are very grateful for her work, not least the period when she stepped in to act as the Managing Director. Tracey’s role is being re-organised across two new posts at Camden Learning, a Head of Finance and Business Systems and a Head of Business Development and Communications. More news on this to follow in the new year.

This is the last schools bulletin of the calendar year, the first edition in the Spring term will be sent to you on Friday 12th January 2024. Please also note the dates of our Headteacher meetings, Primary Heads on the 25th January, and Secondary Heads on the 31st January. I hope you have a very restful and enjoyable break. Your hard work and dedication to Camden children this term has been exceptional. Thank you as always for everything you have achieved. Have a fantastic Christmas!

Stephen Hall

Chief Executive Officer, Camden Learning


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