The Primary school KS2 data was finalised and released this week by the DfE and scrutinised by the media and various observers nationally and locally. In Camden, we should be delighted and proud of the outcomes at the end of KS2, which are amongst the best nationally and in London. Camden is ranked 10th out of 152 Local Authorities nationally for the combined measure (expected) and 13th for greater depth- this reflects the tremendous quality of our Primary provision, leaders, staff and governors-well done. Our ambition as a local system is to be amongst the best in London and we accept that there remains work to be done to narrow gaps and reduce variability, but this news represents a tremendous foundation to continue and build upon.

On Monday, I was pleased to be asked to be a part of a panel at City Hall, where the Deputy Mayor for Education and Childcare launched the findings from the LKMco research report into ‘Boys on Track-Improving support for Black Caribbean and White Boys’. It is acknowledged that these are two of the largest underperforming groups in London and that boys are less likely to achieve good outcomes, and more likely than many of their peers to experience exclusion or involvement in the criminal justice system. The research sets out steps to secure improvements in outcomes for these boys and acknowledges the challenges will require action in education and beyond. The full version of the Boys on Track report is attached below. Locally, we have a secondary group meeting next week to outline our own next steps and we will be considering the report and findings as part of that meeting.

There is a certain awe and wonder around the plethora of Christmas concerts that take place, even when considering the most recent advert for Sainsbury’s with children flying high above the stage, a boy as a plug socket and the queen on a cardboard TV (the watchdog is considering a number of health and safety complaints apparently); the bar has always been high and this is true of our Camden schools. I have loved seeing the photos on Twitter of various school productions, which include Shakespeare interpretations, musical show casing and traditional nativity plays. I was delighted to be invited to the Fleet junior production of Narnia, which was an uplifting and exquisite presentation of the C. S. Lewis classic, the singing, acting, costumes and backdrop were all amazing-it made my week.

This is the last blog and bulletin for this term; I would like to wish you all a wonderful Christmas break, enjoy your family time and thank you for all your hard work and support. See you all in 2019.

Jon Abbey

Managing Director, Camden Learning

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