I visited Robson House earlier this week and was struck by the wrap around nature of the support they are offering pupils who present significant social emotional and behavioural needs. Robson House and their satellite at Rhyl is one of several Camden facilities including CCfL and The Crib that provide an opportunity for schools to avoid the need for permanent exclusion. Headteachers have the extremely difficult task of balancing the needs of all pupils and the right to learn without disruption with the needs of the few whose behaviour prevents that happening.

Last year Justforkids Law published research showing the link between exclusion and criminal exploitation, and the specific vulnerabilities of pupils who are subject to exclusion. In an associated thinkpiece published in 2021, Dave Whitaker writes about the misconceptions and assumptions associated with reducing exclusions. Schools where exclusions are low despite high levels of challenge are typically the ones with the strongest teacher pupil relationships, and well understood mechanisms for pre-emptively reporting and supporting. This takes time and resources. It also needs determination from leaders and enthusiasm from all adults to make it work.

Last academic year in Camden 4.5% of pupils were suspended on multiple occasions, which was in line with national averages, with disadvantaged pupils and Black Caribbean pupils (at 10% double the average for all pupils) having the highest rates for fixed term exclusions. Highlighting the disproportionality and vulnerabilities associated with exclusion are helpful in emphasising the role of schools in the wider system. Camden has great facilities and support for Headteachers when grappling with the question over whether to exclude, however in a fragile and stretched system it is more important than ever that we continue to stick to our principles and try everything we can so that exclusion really is the last resort.

Our half termly Headteacher meetings are quickly approaching, Secondary Headteachers on the 25th January and Primary Heads on the 2nd February. I look forward to seeing you all at these if not before. I know many of you will be hosting visits from members of the Camden Learning team prior to then, and a quick request from them that you share guest wifi access with them when they are on site so that they can access online files. Thank you.

Best wishes

Stephen Hall

Chief Executive Officer, Camden Learning


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