We are nearly at the end of January which has certainly presented some challenges. Schools have been on the receiving end of many and varied expectations during the last few weeks. Headteachers are often placed in the difficult position of balancing the needs of pupils, staff, and parents against a wider backdrop of social expectations when making critical decisions. This can take its toll and it is important that decision making does not rest solely in the shoulders of the most senior leader.

Resilient organisations create networks of support and decision making. They absorb issues, and when challenges arise, have already created the additional capacity to work quickly and focus on what is needed. McKinsey speak of resilient organisations having agile, adaptable and self-sufficient teams but these need to be nurtured and grown. Supporting and developing new leaders is an enjoyable (and sometimes frustrating!) thing to do, but in the longer term provides a supportive environment for decision making. To do this well sometimes takes leaps of faith, and letting others make errors that you would have foreseen. I think we can all probably look back to decisions that we made earlier in our career that we would act on differently now.

Camden benefits from a real depth of leadership experience and it is our responsibility to ensure we are allowing new leaders to emerge. To do this sometimes means not only supporting the professional development of others but also allowing yourself to take some time out of school to allow others to lead, taking the opportunity to reflect and challenge your own thinking.

It was great to meet with Secondary Heads again this week, and I am looking forward to our Primary Heads meeting on the 2nd February. The Heads conference is now less than a month away with a thought provoking and inspiring range of speakers, so I hope you have booked a place. Although January can feel like a long, dark month there are now only 10 working days to half term. Hold onto that thought when you need it in the coming two weeks!

Best wishes

Stephen Hall

Chief Executive Officer, Camden Learning


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