Sharing Camden Practice

Pupil Consultation Data


Embedding formative assessment through a Teacher Learning Community

August 31, 2016 by Tracey Shevlin

Teacher Learning Community providing sustained joint practice development Focus on Assessment for Learning

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How scaffolds can effectively support children in their development of spoken reasoning in maths

July 19, 2016 by Chloe Pearson

The skills of reasoning are key to creating successful mathematicians. Internalisation of these skills is the first step but the ability to voice your ideas is key to truly deep…

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Increasing physical activity and improving physical education at St Joseph’s Primary

January 28, 2016 by Katie Stewart

Increase the amount of physical activity of your pupils Improve the quality of teaching of physical education Make best use of your PE and Sport Premium Funding

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KS3 New Arrivals Induction Programme

September 21, 2015 by Joanna De Regibus

Students new to English and the UK are provided with an understanding of what to expect in each curriculum area This outcome-driven course introduces the various teaching and learning styles…

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