Sharing Camden Practice

Increasing physical activity and improving physical education at St Joseph’s Primary

Key Points

  • Increase the amount of physical activity of your pupils
  • Improve the quality of teaching of physical education
  • Make best use of your PE and Sport Premium Funding


What were your reasons for doing this development work?

Our school wanted to:-

  • Improve fitness levels of pupils
  • Support pupils to increase their motivation towards fitness
  • Promote physical wellbeing
  • Ensure effective use of our PE Premium funding by upskilling staff members to deliver high quality PE
  • Develop teacher subject knowledge with particular focus on dance and gymnastics
  • Ensure consistent progression in PE for each year group through the use of curriculum maps
  • Reduce behaviour incidents at breaktimes
  • Work towards all PE lesson being outstanding PE lessons

Who were the identified target learners?

  • All pupils in our school

What were your success criteria?

  • More pupils being physically active
  • More outstanding PE lessons
  • Increased participation and enjoyment in PE lessons and extra curricular clubs
  • Improved behaviour at break times

What did you do? (What success criteria did you use?)

  • Elms Sport (external coaches) taught Year 1 and Year 6 for ½ term alongside class teachers for gymnastics. Class teachers fed back on their learning and skill progression to the rest of the class teachers
  • Main aim was to develop subject knowledge and confidence and ensure skill progression of pupils
  • Progression maps were made available to all class teachers including athletics, games, dance and gymnastics
  • Ensured that the Medium Term plan for PE was written in the same format and had equal priority as other curriculum subjects
  • As part of PE Subject Lead’s Professional Development, Camden PE consultant undertook teacher observation of PE lead and knowledge was disseminated throughout the school
  • Implemented 5-a-day physical activity programme which is used in transition between lessons
  • Involved in Race to Health to increase amount of physical activity of pupils (a Camden Health Improvement Initiative)
  • Pupils participate in “Wake up Shake Up” physical activity initiative when they line up from morning, lunch and afternoon break times.
  • Linked with the YMCA to offer an off-site extra-curricular sports club with a variety of sports on offer for groups of children. Fifteen pupils are accompanied to the club by teaching assistants
  • Playground was zoned and school now have a teacher trained in positive playgrounds
  • Two playground buddies per class were identified to make sure pupils feel happy and safe and equipment is being used correctly

What specific teaching resources did you use?

  • Val Sabin Gymnastics and Dance Resource to improve the quality of dance and gymnastics in both key stages
  • New equipment bought to support physical development in EYFS and for use at break times

Outcomes and Impact

What has been the impact on pupil learning and teaching?

  • Improved teacher subject knowledge in Dance and Gymnastics
  • PE planning now shows a clear progression of skills across the year groups in gymnastics and dance and teachers feel more confident
  • Improved attitudes towards sport for pupils attending YMCA club as evidenced by attendance figures and positive feedback from parents and pupils
  • Pupils are more active at lunchtimes and there has been reduction in the number of accidents and behaviour incidents at playtimes as evidenced by log book
  • Increased physical activity, motivation and enjoyment of pupils through the purchasing of new equipment. This has also led to improved teaching as teachers are not limited by resources
  • Early indicators show that new sports/activity equipment is supporting the fine and gross motor skills of Nursery and Reception children. The children are also benefitting from the lunchtime zoned activities
  • Improved behaviour in playground as evidenced by log books

Evidence of impact on pupil learning and teaching/leadership

  • Skills audit of teachers
  • Feedback from teachers and pupils
  • More lessons assessed as Outstanding
  • Fitness testing results of pupils
  • Monitoring of pupil participation in extra-curricular sports clubs
  • Feedback from pupils, parents and teachers