Sharing Camden Practice

Evidence from Planning


Embedding formative assessment through a Teacher Learning Community

August 31, 2016 by Tracey Shevlin

Teacher Learning Community providing sustained joint practice development Focus on Assessment for Learning

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Using Transitions Effectively To Maximise Learning Time

August 1, 2016 by Sophie Klimt

How to use transition times to increase learning opportunities, rather than just manage them. Focuses on the use of chants as ways to embed key number facts, as the children move around the…

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How speaking frames can support pupils’ critical analysis in art and design

July 27, 2016 by Angela Hay

To develop oral communication and depth of vocabulary used within art, I wanted to explore the use of models and speaking frames to deepen responses when observing and reflecting upon…

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How scaffolds can effectively support children in their development of spoken reasoning in maths

July 19, 2016 by Chloe Pearson

The skills of reasoning are key to creating successful mathematicians. Internalisation of these skills is the first step but the ability to voice your ideas is key to truly deep…

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